If you plan to take a summer vacation, you need to ensure your home—including your HVAC system—is ready. 

Best HVAC Practices Before Leaving Town

Before leaving town, take the following steps to keep your HVAC equipment functioning at optimum levels and avoid spending extra on your energy bill.

Adjust Your Thermostat

If your HVAC has a programmable thermostat, set it to either a higher temperature in the summer or a lower setting in the winter when you’re away. There’s no need for your system to work quite as hard if there’s no one in the house. 

Some thermostats have a vacation setting that automatically adjusts the temperature and optimizes the savings while you are away.

Replace or Clean Air Filters

Clean or swap your HVAC system’s air filters so the system works better and the air is cleaner. Dirty filters may cause your system to work harder, which could lead to failure or increased energy consumption.

Inspect and Clean the Outdoor Unit

Cut back or remove weeds around the outdoor unit to allow for maximum airflow.  Remove any leaves and debris from around the outdoor unit to ensure full airflow.  Check to make sure nothing is blocking your unit to prevent refrigerant flow, too.

Prevent Energy Loss

Caulk around windows and doors to prevent cool or warm air from venting and reduce the energy it takes to maintain your desired interior temperature. 

Schedule a Professional Inspection

Have an HVAC technician inspect your system before you go. They can catch any problems before you leave, and your system will run more efficiently.

Turn Off Unnecessary Appliances

Turn off and/or unplug equipment and devices that will not be used. This reduces the overall electrical load and saves energy.

Consider a Smart Home System

Install a smart-home system to monitor and control your HVAC system remotely. You can use it for adjusting settings or receiving alerts if something is amiss. 

HVAC Inspections in Pasadena

Call Pioneers Heating and Air for service and inspections if you’re in Beverly Hills, Santa Clarita, or Pasadena. We can help your house stay comfortable and use energy efficiently, whether you’re home or on vacation. 626-217-0559.

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